SAP’s Transformation Program Leads to Growth but also 8,000 Layoffs in 2024

1 min read

SAP, the renowned German software company, has recently made headlines with its stock prices soaring by 7% to record levels. This surge is attributed to the company’s optimistic forecast for cloud revenue growth and a significant restructuring announcement, involving a workforce shift towards artificial intelligence (AI). Cloud Revenue and Restructuring SAP has earmarked a substantial

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The Financial Sector’s Job Shake-Up in 2023, More than 60 000 Layoffs

1 min read

Two months ago we published an article about the declining satisfaction of IT and Finance employees. Now at the end of 2023 we can definitely say that it was a difficult year for both industries. In 2023, the financial sector witnessed one of its most significant years of layoffs, with banks worldwide cutting over 60,000

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Accenture’s CTO on AI and Jobs: “there will be some consolidation”

1 min read

Accenture’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Paul Daugherty has offered for Fortune insightful commentary on the impact of generative AI on the job market. He didn’t say anything new, but his points are certainly relevant. His thoughts underline a critical issue in today’s digital era: the integration of advanced AI technologies in the workforce and its implications for job consolidation and

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Bosch to Cut 1500 Jobs in German Plants by 2025, due to Low Demands

1 min read

Bosch, one of the leading suppliers of automobile components, has announced plans to reduce its workforce by up to 1,500 positions across two of its factories in Germany by the year 2025. This decision comes as the company seeks to align its staffing levels with the changing demands and evolving technologies in the automotive sector.

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Spotify Announces Its Third Round of Layoffs in 2023

1 min read

The renowned music streaming giant Spotify, has announced a new substantial reduction in its workforce. The company has declared that it will cut its total workforce by nearly 17% – a reduction that translates to approximately 1,500 of its 9,000 employees. This decision comes on the heels of previous layoffs conducted by Spotify, which saw

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The Future of Work: 32-Hour Workweek. The Impact of AI on Productivity and Work-Life Balance

1 min read

A recent study, reported by The Guardian, sheds light on how these AI related technological advancements could reshape the traditional work model to a 4 days working week. Legal Initiative started in the USA In the United States, Congressman Mark Takano has introduced a bill proposing a 32-hour workweek. His rationale is deeply rooted in the evolving landscape of the workforce

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Tech Employee Satisfaction Plunges in 2023

1 min read

The world of information technology, once a beacon for job satisfaction and cutting-edge professional environments, has seen a rapid decline in employee contentment in 2023.  The downward trend is now eerily mirroring dissatisfaction levels found in industries like finance and consulting. Both sectors traditionally vie for the same elite pool of well-educated and sought-after talent.

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Writing and Marketing Jobs Surge Despite AI Advancements

1 min read

According to the realm of writing, content creation, and marketing has witnessed a substantial surge in demand, making them the fastest-growing freelance jobs in terms of percentage growth during this period. The data suggests a renaissance of sorts for traditional writing and content-related jobs, with copy typing jobs experiencing a jump of 28.7%, and

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Stack Overflow lays off 28% of staff, and AI could be one of the reasons

1 min read

CEO Prashanth Chandrasekar recently announced a 28 percent staff reduction, indicating the evolving landscape. And what does AI have to do with it? While Stack Overflow remains a treasure trove of knowledge, it may no longer be the top choice for developers seeking personalized, real-time assistance. The rise of AI chatbots is reshaping the developer

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