Let’s Grow: IFR Report for Romania 2023.

The report identifies renewable energy, transportation, and finance as key sectors for encouraging private sector-led accelerated growth. Romania can build upon the success of its burgeoning IT sector and further support the services sector by improving digital skills. The private sector can

Poșta Română used in Phishing Campaign

Poșta Română, the national postal service of Romania, has recently fallen victim to a new wave of phishing attacks. The company announced on Thursday that both customers and non-customers are receiving deceptive SMS messages as part of this campaign. These fraudulent messages

ANAF Released the Guidelines for IT Sector Salaries Taxation

In a recent development, Romania’s National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) has published a guide outlining new methodologies for taxing salaries in the Information Technology (IT) sector. This guide references changes in the social insurance contribution (CAS) rate, specifically addressing the reduction

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