LinkedIn Recruiter, one of the best Talent Acquisition tools, now AI-Powered

1 min read

LinkedIn, the professional networking platform, has announced a series of groundbreaking AI-based enhancements for LinkedIn Recruiter. These updates, set to roll out gradually until April 2024, mark a significant leap forward in streamlining the recruitment process LinkedIn has been incorporating AI and automation into its platform for some time, albeit discreetly. With Microsoft, LinkedIn’s parent

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IBM CEO: No Layoffs Due to AI, Hiring Will Increase

1 min read

IBM has made a bold statement regarding the future of AI and its implications on its workforce. Despite earlier predictions from its CEO, the company assures that the rise of AI will not lead to mass layoffs. Instead, IBM projects an increase in overall hires, anticipating more job openings than those made redundant by AI.

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Meeting the expectations of Gen Z in the workplace

1 min read

Generation Z, or Gen Z, refers to those born between 1997 and 2012. They are just beginning to enter the workforce and bring with them a unique set of values and expectations. Here are some of the things that Gen Z wants from a workplace: A Sense of Purpose Gen Z is a purpose-driven generation.

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