EU Funds 2023-2024: Application Period Open for SME Grants Ranging from 200,000 to 8 Million EUR in 6 Counties

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Small enterprises, including micro-enterprises and small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs), have a golden opportunity to secure grants ranging from 200,000 to 8 million euros per project. This opportunity has been made possible by the new grant scheme tailored for SMEs in six counties. These funds are sourced from the Just Transition Program (JTP) 2021-2027. The official period for application submission, applicant’s guide, technical-financial evaluation grid, and other relevant annexes have all been set in place.

Eligible micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises can apply for this funding between 11:00 AM on December 20, 2023, and midnight on March 20, 2024, through the online portal MySMIS2021.

The focus is on SMEs from counties that are eligible for the Just Transition Program. The aim is to finance the transition from polluting industries to more environmentally-friendly activities. The counties in question are:

  • Gorj
  • Hunedoara
  • Dolj
  • Galați
  • Prahova
  • Mureș

In addition to these, there’s the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) of Valea Jiului.

During the mentioned period, seven project calls will be open in the MySMIS2021 system. The total budget allocated for these seven calls stands at 775 million euros. The breakdown of the budget per project call is as follows:

  • Gorj (Productive SME Investments): 184,898,599 euros
  • Hunedoara (Productive SME Investments): 131,969,559 euros
  • Valea Jiului ITI in HD (Productive SME ITI Investments): 48,965,578 euros
  • Dolj (Productive SME Investments): 136,673,075 euros
  • Galați (Productive SME Investments): 84,633,938 euros
  • Prahova (Productive SME Investments): 104,525,370 euros
  • Mureș (Productive SME Investments): 83,903,737 euros

From this budget, eligible businesses can secure grants ranging from 200,000 to 8 million euros per project. These will be provided in the form of state regional assistance and de minimis aid.

Eligible CAEN Codes

The latest list of eligible CAEN codes can be found as an annex in the scheme published in the Official Monitor no. 951 bis, dated October 20, 2023, Part I.

If you’re an SME from the aforementioned regions, this is an excellent opportunity to secure funding and align your business operations with greener practices. Don’t miss out!

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