Electrostatic Propulsion: A New Chapter in Space Travel?

Space exploration could enter a revolutionary era with a propellant-less propulsion system. Traditionally, propellant-based systems are essential to overcome gravity, but they come with limitations in weight and fuel capacity. The idea of a device that can produce thrust without propellant has

The Măgurele Laser: A Milestone in Scientific Innovation

After years of challenges and concerns regarding construction standards, the Măgurele Laser, situated near Bucharest, Romania, has become operational, marking a significant milestone in scientific and technological development. Operated by the French company Thales, the Măgurele Laser employs Nobel Prize-winning inventions, a

Navigating the Deepfake Era: A Guide to Detection from DNSC

Looks like seeing is no longer believing. The Directoratul Național de Securitate Cibernetică (DNSC), a governmental body, has taken a significant step forward by releasing a guide aimed at identifying deepfake content.  A notable instance of deepfake misuse, as highlighted by the

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