Mitsubishi and Seven Other Companies Form Coalition to Promote Synthetic Fuels

Mitsubishi and Seven Other Companies Form Coalition to Promote Synthetic Fuels
Image credit: Pexels

Mitsubishi and seven other companies, including TotalEnergies and Tokyo Gas, will form an international coalition to support the development and production of synthetic fuels, which will contribute to achieving net-zero emissions.

Mitsubishi stated that the coalition’s purpose is to promote the production of e-NG, a synthetic gas produced from renewable hydrogen and carbon dioxide, which can be transported and stored using existing infrastructure. The Japanese automaker also stated that all companies involved in the project consider e-NG to be an important factor in accelerating the energy transition towards a net-zero carbon future.

“The coalition will serve as a global platform to raise awareness about e-NG, promote the commercialization and worldwide use of the synthetic fuel, encourage political support and harmonize applicable regulations and standards, and strengthen collaboration between geographic areas and stakeholders,” Mitsubishi said in a statement.

In addition to Mitsubishi, TotalEnergies, and Tokyo Gas, the initiative includes Engie (France), Sempra Infrastructure (USA), TES (Belgium), Osaka Gas, and Toho Gas (Japan).

By embracing synthetic fuels like e-NG, these companies aim to accelerate the transition to a net-zero emissions future while leveraging existing infrastructure and expertise in the energy sector.

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