
Leading the Change – Sustainable Brands Unite at Biz Sustainability Summit 2024

Leading the Change - Sustainable Brands Unite at Biz Sustainability Summit 2024
Image credit: howabout.tech

In a world where sustainability is no longer a choice but rather a necessity, the Biz Sustainability Summit 2024 proved to be a transformative dialogue among industry leaders. Held on May 22 in Bucharest, the summit featured a strong lineup of speakers and thought leaders who are reshaping the landscape of corporate responsibility and sustainability.

Gone are the days when isolated sustainability efforts sufficed. Today, it’s about embedding sustainability into the core strategy of businesses. This year’s Biz Sustainability Summit was an invitation for companies to take on long-term, strategic projects that address society’s urgent issues and use their leadership positions to generate meaningful change.

Key Insights from the Summit

Adrian Teampău, Director of Indirect Taxes and Circular Economy at Deloitte, opened the summit by exploring the global sustainability landscape in 2024. He highlighted key trends and the challenges and opportunities for businesses committed to sustainability.

The session on “Innovating Towards Net Positive Impact” showcased cutting-edge innovations aimed at achieving a net positive impact. Leaders from various industries presented advanced solutions and integrated strategies, going beyond carbon neutrality, promoting green finance, implementing regenerative agriculture, next-gen renewable energy solutions, and adopting circular design for sustainable materials.

Speakers like Grigore-Teodor Baldovin, Manager Sustainability at Philip Morris Romania, and Simona Petrescu, Director ESG at UniCredit Bank Romania, among others, shared practical examples and successful initiatives in sustainability, covering topics such as corporate sustainability innovations, and effective communication for sustainability, as well as strategies for integrating sustainability into business operations.

Manuela Ozdemir, Project Manager at Skanska, and Cătălina Roman, Identity & Strategic Communication Director at CEC Bank, highlighted corporate waste management, community-centric sustainability initiatives, and sustainable building and infrastructure, while emphasizing the role of strategic communication and effective waste management programs.

Building a Community of Change-Makers

According to Roxana Puia, Director Marketing at Environ, “Sustainability is a journey, not a destination, as nature makes us feel with our entire body: with our eyes, hands, and all our pores and spririt,” as stated in Environ’s Nature of Common Sense campaign. The panels addressed sustainable transportation, technology for sustainable lifestyles, and the challenges businesses face in adopting long-term sustainable practices..

The summit concluded with a dynamic panel discussion on cross-industry collaboration, featuring speakers like Alina Greavu, Activist & Influencer, and Robert Diaconeasa, Good Deeds Entrepreneur, whohighlighted collective responsibility and the roles of governments, businesses, and civil society in driving sustainability.

The Biz Sustainability Summit 2024 inspired attendees to champion the change needed for a sustainable future. For a detailed recap of the event, visit Biz Sustainability Summit.

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