GitHub Copilot is now generally available for Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio, and is included in all GitHub Copilot Plans

Git Hub Copilot Chat
Git Hub Copilot Chat

GitHub Copilot Chat, now generally available for organizations and individuals. The innovative tool, accessible within Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio, is included in all GitHub Copilot plans, enhancing the original code completion capabilities. In a boon to the academic and open-source community, Copilot Chat is available at no cost to verified teachers, students, and maintainers of popular open-source projects.

Access and Availability

All individual users of GitHub Copilot can now access Copilot Chat. Administrators in enterprise or organizations have the flexibility to enable the Copilot Chat setting for their development teams, streamlining the process of integrating this new tool into their workflow. For those who have been using Copilot Chat in beta or have already enabled it for their teams, no additional actions are needed to continue benefiting from its features.

Powered by GPT-4: A Multilingual AI Assistant

What sets Copilot Chat apart is its powerful underlying technology, GPT-4, and its multilingual capabilities. This contextually aware AI assistant caters specifically to developer scenarios, allowing prompts in any natural language from German to Portuguese. It offers real-time guidance directly within the integrated development environment (IDE), eliminating the need to navigate away from the coding interface. Whether it’s explaining complex coding concepts, detecting security vulnerabilities, or writing unit tests, Copilot Chat stands ready to boost innovation and productivity.

Personalized and Practical

One of the most appealing aspects of Copilot Chat is its personalized approach. It adapts to each developer’s unique coding practices, allowing them to use it in ways that best fit their needs and workflow. Whether you’re looking for inspiration or practical ways to enhance your coding process, Copilot Chat offers a plethora of possibilities. From maintaining the coding flow to building secure and efficient software, developers at GitHub and around the world are finding Copilot Chat an indispensable ally in their day-to-day development tasks.

GitHub Copilot Chat represents a significant advancement in coding assistance, merging the latest in AI technology with practical, developer-focused features.

Its general availability marks a new era for individual and organizational productivity, promising a more innovative, efficient, and inclusive development environment.

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