Gen Z and Millennials Seek Career Guidance on TikTok

Gen Z and Millennials Seek Career Guidance on TikTok
Image credit: Pexels

Gen Z and millennials are turning to a new source for professional advice: TikTok. 

A recent survey by suggests a significant portion of these younger generations are actively “mining” TikTok for career guidance, highlighting a shift in how individuals seek career resources.

Key findings:

  • TikTok users:
    • 77% of Gen Z, 59% of young millennials, and 54% of older millennials use TikTok.
    • 32% of Gen Z, 23% of younger millennials, and 25% of older millennials frequently get career advice on the platform.
  • Impact of advice:
    • Over a third of users who receive career info on TikTok make career decisions based on it, with Gen Z being the most likely (41%).
    • Nearly 90% of users who used TikTok for career decisions report positive impacts on their lives.
  • Trust in information:
    • Two-thirds of users trust the career advice they get on TikTok, with Gen Z showing higher trust than millennials.

This trend highlights several interesting points:

  • Social media’s evolving role: Platforms like TikTok are becoming go-to sources for information beyond entertainment, impacting major life decisions like career choices.
  • Shifting preferences: Younger generations seek information in different ways, favoring engaging, bite-sized content over traditional formats.
  • Credibility concerns: While trust exists, the survey also emphasizes the need for critical evaluation of information on social media, as the expertise of content creators may vary.

Overall, this survey reveals a fascinating new avenue for career exploration and guidance, particularly for Gen Z and millennials.

We don’t have a survey for Romania yet, so we take these data with a pinch of salt, but in general we know that the trends in Romania align quite well with those in the West.

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