Cookie Policy

Updated and Effective as of April 1, 2023

We at (“HAT”) use cookies to improve our services for you. Some cookies are essential to the functioning of some services, others are useful in gathering information about using the website (statistics) so that we can make the site better and more useful to you. Some cookies are temporary and will disappear when you close your browser, others stay on your computer for a long time. We also use some local cookies that are related to local campaigns and disappear when the campaign ends.


An “Internet Cookie” (a term also known as a “browser cookie” or “HTTP cookie” or simply “cookie”) is a small file of letters and numbers that will be stored on the computer, mobile terminal, or other equipment of a user through which the Internet is accessed. Cookies are installed through a web-server request to a browser (e.i. Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, etc.) and are completely passive – it does not contain software, viruses, or spyware and cannot access the information on the hard drive user.

A cookie consists of two parts: the name and the content/value of the cookie. From a technical point of view, only the webserver that sent the cookie can access it again when a user returns to the web page associated with that web server.


Cookies are used to provide users of these websites with a better browsing experience and services tailored to the needs and interests of each user individually. Namely for:

  • Customizing certain settings such as the language in which a site is viewed, keeping options for various services/forms.
  • Improve the use of websites, including by identifying certain errors that occur during the visit or their use by users.
  • Providing anonymous statistics on how HAT uses these websites as their owner.
  • Anticipating certain goods/services that will be made available to users in the future through these websites.


This period may vary depending on the purpose for which the cookie was placed. The life of a cookie is also influenced by the category it belongs to, as follows:

  • Session cookies – they are automatically deleted when the user closes their browser.
  • Persistent/fixed cookies – they remain stored in the user’s terminal until they reach a certain expiration date or until the cookies are deleted by the user at any time through browser settings.


By using/visiting our Sites the following cookies can be placed:

A. Performance cookies – These cookies store the preferences of the user of the websites, so they no longer need to be set at each visit of the site.

B. User analysis cookies – This tells us if a user of our Site has visited these pages in the past. These cookies are used for statistical purposes only.

If you have been previously registered, we may also know the details you have provided us such as your email address or username – these are subject to the confidentiality and provisions of the Privacy Policy and the provisions of the applicable legislation on data protection with personal character. For more details, we encourage you to consult our Privacy Policy.

C. Geo-targeting cookies – These are used by software that determines the country of origin of the user of the web pages. The same ads will be received regardless of the selected language.

D. Registration cookies – When you sign up on our websites, we generate a cookie that tells us if you are registered or not. Our servers use these cookies to show us the account with which you are registered and if you have permission for a specific service. It also allows us to associate any comment you post on our websites with your username. If you have not selected “Stay logged in”, this cookie will automatically delete when you close your browser or computer.

E. Advertising cookies – These cookies let us know whether or not you have viewed an online ad, what is its type, and how long it has been since you saw the ad message. Therefore, they are also used to target online advertising. We may also use cookies belonging to third parties to better target advertising. These cookies are anonymous, they do not store information about the user, but about the content they viewed.

You can visualize the cookies we use and the purpose for each of them in the pop-up message that first appears when you visit our website. By clicking the “Allow all cookies” button in the cookie declaration and consent pop-up, you agree to our Cookie Policy.


Cookies keep information in a small text file that allows for browser recognition. Our Sites recognize the browser until cookies expire or are deleted.


Disabling and refusing to receive cookies can make these websites difficult to visit because it is possible that disabling the cookies limits their performance and use.

Also, refusing to accept cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive/view online advertising but only that the messages will no longer be adapted to your preferences and interests that would have emerged from your browsing behavior.

It is possible to set up the browser so that these cookies are no longer supported, or you can set the browser to accept cookies from a particular site. But, for example, if you are not registered as using cookies, you will not be able to leave comments.

All modern browsers offer the option to change cookie settings. These can usually be found in your browser’s “Options” or “Preferences” menu.

Since the installation of cookies and other third-party monitoring systems cannot be technically controlled by the owner (HAT), any reference to these cookies or third-party monitoring systems is indicative.

In order to get the complete information, we recommend that you consult the third-party privacy pages mentioned above in this document.

For any additional questions about how cookies are used through our web pages, please email us at [email protected].